Q: What if I haven’t received my order?

A: Please contact us at info@mikaljaymesjewelry.com and we will check the status of the shipment.


Q: What if I am not satisfied with the product, may I return it?

A: Returns are accepted with the exception of “Special Occasion” jewelry. All “Special Occasion” jewelry items are final sale.


Q: Do you ship overseas?

A: We ship within the US and Canada at this time. Please keep checking back for when will be shipping to other countries.  


Q: Can I order by phone or is it online ordering only?

A: We only take orders through the website.


Q: What if I have a question about a product?

A: Please feel free to contact us at info@mikaljaymesjewelry.com and we will be happy to answer any questions that you might have about the products.


Q: Do you guarantee your products

A: Yes, all products we sell are guaranteed against manufacturer’s defects.


Q: If I find the same product at a cheaper price, will you price match.

A: No. We are not a large retail store. At Mikal Jaymes we feel that we are offering a quality product at a reason price.